St Leonard's is Turners Hill Parish Church.  A church is more than bricks and mortar. It is a community of people who, together, live in relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  St Leonard's church maybe located on the western fringe of our village but is at the heart of our community.  

Our church belongs to everyone in our village.

Where we are St Leonard's Church is situated on the Western edge of the village of Turners Hill in West Sussex. It occupies a commanding position and at some 600 feet high has magnificent and uninterrupted views from the North to South Downs.

The foundation stone for St Leonard's church was laid on 3rd March 1894 by Mrs Oxley, the leading benefactor.

The church was consecrated in 1895 and from that date Turner's Hill became a parish in its own right. Baptisms had taken place in the Old School Room performed by Rev Cecil Blaker curate of Worth from 1886-1895, marriages and burials for Turners Hill took place at St Nicholas, Worth prior to 1895.

The tower was finished in 1924 and also serves as the memorial to the fallen of the Great War. It was funded partly by donations and by Lord Cowdray who lived nearby.

It has a fine interior with panelling carved in English Oak and some excellent examples of stained glass by the noted Sussex artist, Charles Eamer Kempe.   He was commissioned to supply the glass for the sanctuary windows the East window is regarded as one of his best pieces of work.