
Worship at St Leonard’s Turners Hill and All Saints’ Crawley Down  

Holy Communion  8:00 am at All Saints, Crawley Down

This service is held on the first Sunday of every month at All Saints’, for those who prefer the Common Worship traditional language said order of service.

The Main Sunday service is in church at 10:00 AM and ends by 11.15 AM

Parish Communion

Traditional Parish Communion services alternate between St Leonard’s on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month and All Saints’ on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 10 AM (and 5th Sundays, where there is one, also alternating)

Worship Together Communion

This is a contemporary Communion for all the family held at All Saints’ on the 4th Sunday of every month at 10 AM  This is a service which uses contemporary language, making it easier for all people to follow, at whatever stage of their journey of faith.

20 For Lent

A family oriented service that lasts just 20 minutes.  Then join us for a bacon roll breakfast in the hall before going zipping off to enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Programme of Services at St Leonard's


Ash Wednesday 5th March 7:00 p.m.
    20 For Lent 9th March 9:00 a.m.  
                 20 For Lent 23rd March 9:00 a.m.    
                 20 For Lent 30th March 9:00 a.m.
                 20 For Lent 13th April 9:00 a.m.
Maundy Thursday 17th April 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday 18th April 9:30 a.m.
Easter Sunday Sunrise Communion (followed by breakfast!) 7:00 a.m.